× Worldwide Meetings

29+30/09/2012 - Portofino - Lotus 7 Club Italia

  • roxxzo
  • />xx Autor

zoxxro erstellte das Thema 29+30/09/2012 - Portofino - Lotus 7 Club Italia

Hello everybody,
I want to invite all of you to our international meeting in Portofino, 29 and 30 september 2012.

More info here:

The meeting point will be in Piacenza (50km south of Milano).

And here some more info about our Club and our activities.


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erxxma antwortete auf das Thema: Aw: 29+30/09/2012 - Portofino - Lotus 7 Club Italia

Hello Roberto! Thanks a lot for the lovely invitation - come on, who wants to go to Italy, folks??
Remember: nice wine, lots of nice girls, nice guys! Unfortunately I will be in France that weekend (nice wine, mostly nice girls, business...) :-D

ich versteh´von allem was (D. Duck)

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erxxfl antwortete auf das Thema: Aw: 29+30/09/2012 - Portofino - Lotus 7 Club Italia

Dear Roberto,

thank for ínvite us, would be great to know that next year earlier, then some off us will coming down.
I just arrive from holiday in Liguria with the Seven.



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  • roxxzo
  • />xx Autor

zoxxro antwortete auf das Thema: Aw: 29+30/09/2012 - Portofino - Lotus 7 Club Italia

Dear Florian,
you're right, absolutely.
I found Caterham Car Club existed only a few days ago, I understand it's a little bit late to invite you, but I found it was nice and polite to invite you, since it is in fact the most interesting meeting for non Italian guests.

Here you'll find our meeting calendar. As you can see there will be one more in the end of October.

The 2013 calendar will be available around December. I'll post it here when it will be ready.


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erxxfl antwortete auf das Thema: Aw: 29+30/09/2012 - Portofino - Lotus 7 Club Italia

Dear Roberto,

bugger the second meeting is at the same time as the anual meeting from LotusSevenClub Uk.
Andreas and i we will be there.
Would be great to here more from the Seven Club Italia, we are good relation to the Swiss and Club Uk.
You could contact me Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!



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  • roxxzo
  • />xx Autor

zoxxro antwortete auf das Thema: Aw: 29+30/09/2012 - Portofino - Lotus 7 Club Italia

Great, I sent you an email.


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