× Worldwide Meetings

L7CGB Belgium Area Meeting

llxxan erstellte das Thema L7CGB Belgium Area Meeting

at Autoworld Brussels www.autoworld.be/fr/ ---> "Brasserie" www.autoworldbrasserie.be/

Date: Saturday 11/10/2014 at 11.30 h


- Presentation -->New members ... (W..., B..., S..., M..., C..., and You ?)
- Forums "7" and New L7CGB Website
- FBVA - BFOV... members with "Lotus Seven Club " Belgium ?
- Club specials ...(Insurance:Marsh-Partner's...Spidtec...)
- Classic Motor Show + Brooklands visit : 14-16/11
- 18 th "7" Dinner 6/12 Thorembais-Saint-Trond / Booking form
- Ireland may 2015
- International L7CGB meeting 2015 ?
- Swiss 7 meeting First WE july 2015 ?
- Pdf calendar (track days..events .....on Website: www.lotus7club.be )

a proposal ? send me,
een voorstel ? stuur mij,
une proposition ? envoyez-la moi !

Please confirm your venue before 9 october.

Best regards,

Jean-Marc Bikx
L7CGB. A.R Belgium
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Gruß Andreas

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