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30% Rabatt !!! Anzahlung.
Roberto Rizzo schrieb: Hi all,
a small update about Portofino 2015:
If you register before 30/06/2015 you can confirm your booking by paying 30% at the registration and the balance before September 12th.
After July 1st you'll have to pay the full amount at the registration.
Here's the registration link:
If you have any suggestion on how to make it more pleasent for guests, I am happy to hear you :-)
Mind, I am not that democratic every day. So it's just for now, and just because you're long time aficionados...
And here's the full story, in case you missed it:
Our iconic instant classic Portofino meeting came to its third edition!
The program is:
•meeting on Saturday morning (meeting point to be confirmed)
•drive along the most stunning roads of Liguria, between the Maritime Alps and the sea
•quick lunch along the route
•arrival to the hotel in late afternoon, in time for a quick shower and some relax
•Sunday morning drive -shorter-
•some time for a nice walk and sightseeing
•Sunday lunch
•hugs, and kisses, and bye bye
The registration fee is €260 for the driver and €180 for the passenger.
The price includes:
•Registration to the meeting
•Saturday lunch
•Saturday aperitivo*
•Satuday dinner*
•Stay in 4-star hotel
•Sunday lunch
(* aperitivo and dinner will be in the hotel lounge and restaurant... so our thirsty friends won't risk to get caught by police, or to drive straight in to the sea!)
Please note that the room availability is limited. When all the rooms will be taken, we will send you to other nearby hotels, but price or hotel category might change.
If you have any special need (attend to 1 day only, sleep in a different hotel, etc etc) contact Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! and we will provide you a personalized quote.
If you register before 30/06/2015 you can confirm your booking by paying 30% at the registration and the balance before September 12th.
After July 1st you'll have to pay the full amount at the registration.
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Also ich lese das so ,das man 30% der Summe anzahlen darf und den Rest im September ...oder ?
Während bei späterer Buchung sofort die volle Summe zu bezahlen ist ....
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Richtig - man sollt in Ruhe lesen ...
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Hab' mit Sybille gebucht.
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Florian Schlueter schrieb: nach dem ich die Bilder gesehen habe ging es bei dem Treffen nicht um den Seven sondern wohl eher um Essen und Trinken, keine offenen Motorhauben keine Seven Detailaufnahmen.
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Essen, Trinken, Fahren - heisse Straßen
Hat wieder richtig Spaß gemacht
Die Straßen sind einfach spitze, können sich die Schweizer mit Ihrem Verkehrsrecht mal 'ne Scheibe abschneiden
Nächstes Jahr wieder - vielleicht mit ein paar Tage vorher oder hinterher noch in der Nähe ranhängen ...
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